The following messages of condolence and symbols
have been added in memory of Caroline.

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Anthony Perrone on 25 March, 2024 at 9:30am

Dear Delattre Family, I want to express my sincere regrets for your loss, losing a loved one is never easy as they go to place of happiness with God while we stay behind with our sadness. Especially to Arnaud, myself having recently losing my mother, I can understand the mixed emotions of not having 'mom' in your life regardless of their health's or circumstances, losing a parent is losing a part of yourself. But as your given name implies, 'Be strong like an Eagle' , your mom would want this as would mine. To Bernard and Lillian, there are no words that I can say of a parent losing a child, be in Gods grace that you can find peace and solitude in your other children. As a family find strength and love in one another, this will get you through those times of missing Caroline and try to always celebrate the beauty she was to you all and to those she touched in her life. That said although I only had a brief passing of time with Caroline, I knew of her kind, joyous spirit through my brother Pierre who always glowed when he spoke of and about her.
God Bless you all.
Love and Peace.
Uncle Tony

Ceremony Eulogie translated Pierre Arnaud Delattre on 24 March, 2024 at 9:32am

Our love Caro, brilliant, generous, tolerant, radiant with love, contagious with joie de vivre...
How can we sum up Caroline's personality in so few words when Caro was such a complete woman.
A respectful, disciplined and obedient daughter to her parents & grandparents.
A caring, tolerant and empathetic sister to her brothers and sister.
A loving, patient and devoted mother to her son Arnaud.
For our family Caroline was as much a brain for any technical or cultural question as our peace keeper for resolving our disputes or misunderstandings. How much she was able to help me with maths in my first year of university thanks to her scientific background at Jussieux and RMIT.
Caro was also an accomplished artist, be it in drawing, dance or music. I remember the magnificent stained glass window she created for our house in Brighton, a veritable work of art, the gymnopedies of Erik Satie on the piano in our apartment in Paris and all the wonderful world music and songs she got us to love.
Caro was like a second mother to her little brothers. Our confidante, to whom we went with our secrets or our heartaches, without fear of being judged or misunderstood. She was generous with her time, her energy and all her possessions, both to us and to all those who were lucky enough to cross her path.
All the lives that Caroline touched were enriched. She sowed happiness by loving everyone without asking in return. Her generosity knew no bounds. Which always embarrassed us at birthdays and Christmas. I remember the Caribbean cruise she offered her family when she couldn't even come with us or the go pro she bought me to go diving during my visit to hers and Titoune's in Mauritius. What a pure soul Caroline has.
Now that you are leaving for your last cruise Caro, we wish you a sweet journey and ask you to watch over us for a while longer until we join you to have a big party together as we did so well in the past. Love you Caro.

Mirjana IVKOVIC on 23 March, 2024 at 3:44am

Ma chère Caroline, je ne t'oublierai jamais et tu resteras pour toujours dans mon coeur

Ivkovic Family on 22 March, 2024 at 9:53pm

Nous gardons en mémoire tous les magnifiques moments passés avec notre chère Caroline et nous nous unissons avec vous tous dans votre peine. Toutes nos pensées vont vers Caroline et votre famille aujourd'hui

Jelena, Katarina, Macha Ivkovic et Bogdan et Slavko

Lyndal Gawen on 22 March, 2024 at 7:12pm

Dear Bernard, Lillian, Arnaud, Pierre, Elizabeth and Xavier,
I wish to extend my depest sorrow for the passing of your most wonderful family member, Caroline. I truly wish I could speak to her about her illness and passing because she would have something profound to say that would give me a perspective I might be able to forgive, accept or be satisfied pondering for years to come. I remember everytime she came into my sphere of existence because everytime she made an impact on my consciousness. If it wasn't her detailed knowledge of her surroundings, it was her understanding and compassion. I am blessed to have those moments and will cherish them always. 💜

Monique & Claude de LAVAULX on 20 March, 2024 at 9:43pm

Nous sommes profondément désolés pour le décès de Caroline. Nos pensées vous accompagnent en ces moments difficiles.
Reposes en paix Caroline.
Sincères condoléances

Dominique Tabuteau Marchesseau on 20 March, 2024 at 6:20pm

Dearest Caroline,
You are in our hearts and prayers.
Rest in Peace.
With all our love.

Christine Tabuteau on 20 March, 2024 at 10:05am

My dear cousine Caroline,
Your smile could light up the room! I remember our first meeting, picking you up at the airport when you first moved to Melbourne with the family. You were so full of enthusiasm, curiosity and excitement. You were one of those exceptional people whom everyone loved. The world will be a poorer place without you. May you rest in eternal peace. 💐

Annick DALLONGEVILLE on 20 March, 2024 at 1:18am

Ma chère Caro
C'est très difficile, en quelques mots d'exprimer ma douleur, ma tristesse.
J'aimais tant te retrouver, discuter de longues heures avec toi, rire, écouter de la musique. Que de bons souvenirs, ma nièce chérie.
Cette sensibilité faisait de toi une personne si aimante, si attachante. Tu resteras toujours souriante dans mon cœur !
Après plusieurs années de combat contre cette terrible maladie, tu reposes en paix.
Sois heureuse au Ciel, près de Dieu et de tes grands-parents.
Avec toute mon affection, ta tante qui ne t'oubliera jamais…

Martine Carter on 18 March, 2024 at 11:32am

A Caroline, ma chere amie, genereuse, gaie, cultivee, ton rire et ton amitie me manquent deja. Repose en paix.
Un poeme de Charlotte Néwashish-Flamand :
« À ceux que j'aime, au revoir »
Quand je ne serai plus là, relâchez-moi,
Laissez-moi partir.
J'ai tellement de choses à faire et à voir.
Ne pleurez pas en pensant à moi,
Soyez reconnaissant pour les belles années,
Je vous ai donné mon amitié.
Vous pouvez seulement deviner
Le bonheur que vous m'avez apporté.
Je vous remercie de l'amour que chacun vous m'avez démontré,
Maintenant, il est temps de voyager seul.
Pour un court moment vous pouvez avoir de la peine.
La confiance vous apportera réconfort et consolation.
Nous serons séparés pour quelque temps.
Laissez les souvenirs apaiser votre douleur.
Je ne suis pas loin et la vie continue...
Si vous avez besoin, appelez-moi et je viendrai.
Même si vous ne pouvez me voir ou me toucher, je serai là.
Et si vous écoutez votre cœur, vous éprouverez clairement
La douceur de l'amour que j'apporterai.
Et quand il sera temps pour vous de partir,
Je serai là pour vous accueillir.

Gilles Romele on 17 March, 2024 at 2:37am

Dear Caroline,

With you, a part of my life disappears. The one where you generously took me under your wing, gave me the confidence and kindness I lacked. You were my sunshine and your warmth was more than precious to me.

You brought me into your family like a brother and I will always be grateful. I am all the more sad because I found myself yesterday, in front of our old building, with the feeling that I was rediscovering a part of our life.

I don't know if there's an afterlife, but I hope you find all that is good there. You will, in any case, always be in my thoughts.

Maja DELATTRE on 16 March, 2024 at 4:20am

Caroline and I met in my hometown Belgrade one lovely summer afternoon in 2006. She was working at the French Embassy in Belgrade at the time, and we met at one of the receptions we both attended. We instantly hit off and talked for hours as if we’ve known each other for years. Caroline had a large than life personality, heaps of charm, abundance of interesting stories and experience – she was so magnetic and captivating. She was renowned for being hard working, but she also knew how to enjoy life with people she loved. She was beyond amazing, kind and generous in every way.

Little did we know that from that afternoon on, our acquaintanceship would grow into friendship and that from that friendship we would end up becoming related, as sisters-in-law. Caro came into my life as an angel who brought her brother Xavier and me together. Had it not been for her posting in Belgrade, my life would have been without my two beloved boys, which is unimaginable to me. The same way it is unimaginable to me that Caro has now left us.

Goodbye my lovely Caro and thank you for the wonderful memories, which I will cherish in my heart. I know you are in a better place now surrounded by angels.

Xavier DELATTRE on 16 March, 2024 at 4:18am

Caroline, my beloved sister and God mother, was a beacon of light in my life. In my youth, she was a second mother to me. As I got older, she became my advisor, my confidante, my safe haven.

Caroline was the brightest person I have ever met. She seemed to know everything about everything. She devoured books of all kinds, from mythology to applied science, you could ask her anything and she would know. This made her a great conversationalist, and socialite. She was surrounded by intellectual friends who made me feel inadequate with my smaller brain.

Caroline was a person of extraordinary kindness and generosity. Christmas was always a bit stressful for me, knowing that the presents she had prepared for me would always be much nicer than what I had for her. But she didn’t care about that, she loved me without judgement.

Caroline's intense and energising personality was hypnotic, her spirit invincible. She was so determined and strong willed that I knew I would never be able to influence her in any way, so I never tried. Being a witness to her brilliance was reward enough.

She lived her life with grace and dignity. She would light up any room she entered with her charisma and class. She would then proceed to charm everyone in her path with her witty humour and sassiness. These qualities led her to excel in a brilliant international career representing France.

Caroline may have left this world, but she will forever remain in my heart. Her light will continue to shine brightly, reminding me of the love and joy she brought into my life.

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