Luis Lorenzo Salas 23 December, 1936 – 11 March, 2024

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17 March 2024

It’s never easy to say goodbye, but a goodbye does not mean it’s the end. It simply means until we meet again. Abuelo I can’t believe I’m writing this letter to you. I guess I never thought about what it would be like when you would no longer be here. You have always been such a key part of my life, and such a steadfast and healthy part; I never let myself consider what it might be like once you were no longer here with us. And now that you are no longer on Earth with us anymore, I’m struggling to accept it. There will never be a day that passes by when i don’t remember your silly duck noises you would always make when we were leaving your house in Melbourne, Nor the time when we took you to churros and you were telling them how it should’ve been made or the time when we were going to visit Abuela and Aunty Rosalia and you were yelling at Dad about driving to fast and telling him how to drive in the streets of Melbourne incase he had forgotten since moving up to the Gold Coast. Rest Easy up there with Abuela and Aunty Rosalia, Until we meet again I love you forever and always xx

>read on Chantal Salas
18 March 2024

Dad I remember our times fishing in Tenerife especially when we lost the car keys, but we found them in the rock wall in the dark of night. Another time, losing the sack of fish after washing them in the water and trying to find words to tell you. All the times you watched me play Soccer, always being proud of me. You have and always will be in my thoughts even though I couldn't be there physically. Hope you are at peace with Mum and Rosalia. Until we meet again Dad

>read on Luis Salas

Pa, It has been a pleasure being your daughter in law. You have always been in my thoughts. Rest in peace with Ma and Rosalia. You will be very sadly missed.

>read on Gina Salas

Abuelo, Though it’s difficult to put into words how much I’ll miss you it’s not difficult to remember the reasons why. To list my favorite memories with you is somewhat impossible, because every moment spent together was memorable. You and Abuela coming over to have wog coffee, playing snap with you and Cruz, running races in your backyard while Abuela yelled at us to stop before you hurt yourself. The list goes on and I’m glad it does. I know each day you’re gone will become a little easier, but right now it hurts. I wish I had more time with you. I wish your great grandson Roman, could have experienced your warmth and humor in person. I will never stop telling him stories of his Great Abuelo. I know you’re with Abuela and Aunty Rosalia now. I hope you’re resting peacefully together and watching us all continue to make you proud. Till we meet again Abuelo I love you - Brittnee xx

>read on Brittnee Salas

Grandpa Through the highs and the lows of this experience we call life our choices make us who we are and what memory’s are left for those that we care about when our time comes. I have good and bad memory’s with extreme happiness like playing cards with you how you used to at the Spanish club or dominos with your cheeky smile when I know you let me win and extreme sadness like your absence from my life regardless of situations with your son I am not them I have been there when no one else was and for this I am sad. I will always love you as my grandfather and I am at peace knowing you will no longer suffer and can join your daughter and wife in peace. Love always Jeremy R Salas

>read on Jeremy R Salas

It’s never easy to say goodbye, but a goodbye does not mean it’s the end. It simply means until we meet again. Abuelo I can’t believe I’m writing this letter to you. I guess I never thought about what it would be like when you would no longer be here. You have always been such a key part of my life, and such a steadfast and healthy part; I never let myself consider what it might be like once you were no longer here with us. And now that you are no longer on Earth with us anymore, I’m struggling to accept it. There will never be a day that passes by when i don’t remember your silly duck noises you would always make when we were leaving your house in Melbourne, Nor the time when we took you to churros and you were telling them how it should’ve been made or the time when we were going to visit Abuela and Aunty Rosalia and you were yelling at Dad about driving to fast and telling him how to drive in the streets of Melbourne incase he had forgotten since moving up to the Gold Coast. Rest Easy up there with Abuela and Aunty Rosalia, Until we meet again I love you forever and always xx View full message

Chantal Salas

Dad I remember our times fishing in Tenerife especially when we lost the car keys, but we found them in the rock wall in the dark of night. Another time, losing the sack of fish after washing them in the water and trying to find words to tell you. All the times you watched me play Soccer, always being proud of me. You have and always will be in my thoughts even though I couldn't be there physically. Hope you are at peace with Mum and Rosalia. Until we meet again Dad Read full message here.

Pa, It has been a pleasure being your daughter in law. You have always been in my thoughts. Rest in peace with Ma and Rosalia. You will be very sadly missed. Read full message here.

Abuelo, Though it’s difficult to put into words how much I’ll miss you it’s not difficult to remember the reasons why. To list my favorite memories with you is somewhat impossible, because every moment spent together was memorable. You and Abuela coming over to have wog coffee, playing snap with you and Cruz, running races in your backyard while Abuela yelled at us to stop before you hurt yourself. The list goes on and I’m glad it does. I know each day you’re gone will become a little easier, but right now it hurts. I wish I had more time with you. I wish your great grandson Roman, could have experienced your warmth and humor in person. I will never stop telling him stories of his Great Abuelo. I know you’re with Abuela and Aunty Rosalia now. I hope you’re resting peacefully together and watching us all continue to make you proud. Till we meet again Abuelo I love you - Brittnee xx View full message

Brittnee Salas

Grandpa Through the highs and the lows of this experience we call life our choices make us who we are and what memory’s are left for those that we care about when our time comes. I have good and bad memory’s with extreme happiness like playing cards with you how you used to at the Spanish club or dominos with your cheeky smile when I know you let me win and extreme sadness like your absence from my life regardless of situations with your son I am not them I have been there when no one else was and for this I am sad. I will always love you as my grandfather and I am at peace knowing you will no longer suffer and can join your daughter and wife in peace. Love always Jeremy R Salas View full message

Jeremy R Salas